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Our Teachers

We are excited to announce new teacher joining us in the fall 2023

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Jordan Key

Jordan Key is a fourth-year student at the University of Michigan, pursuing dual degrees
in harp performance and biochemistry under the direction of Joan Holland.

 Jordan is also an active freelance harpist
throughout Michigan, performing in vocal, orchestra, and chamber ensembles in
addition to performances at churches and other special events. Outside of her
performances and studies, Jordan is also a passionate educator and has served as the
harp assistant for the University of Michigan’s MPulse summer camp in 2022 and 2023,
where she has helped students prepare their repertoire and improve their practice
habits through ensemble rehearsals and individual meetings.

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Katelynn Ehlert

Originally from Sturgis, Michigan, Katelynn Ehlert is currently a fifth-year undergraduate at Michigan State University where she is pursuing degrees in both music and astrophysics. Over the years, Katelynn has had the opportunity to work with various ensembles including the Symphony of the Lakes (an Indiana based professional orchestra) as well as the various ensembles at MSU. Though performance is her primary path, Katelynn also has experience as a music educator. She has worked with several harp students at the Sturgis High School orchestra camp for three years where she provides ensemble experience as well as one-on-one lessons with each student. Outside of the practice room, Katelynn is dedicated to her work as the president of the MSU chapter of Society of Women in Space Exploration and as the vice president of the West Michigan chapter of the American Harp Society.


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Chiyun Casellas

A Taiwanese native, Chiyun Casellas started learning the harp in high school when she was 16 years old.  She holds bachelor degree from Brigham Young University-Idaho in harp performance in April 2023 and is currently a graduate student at Michigan State University.

Chiyun studied the harp with Chi-Mei Huang and Alicia McQuay in Taiwan and the US, respectively. Chiyun plays multiple genres of music on the harp, including jazz, classical, romantic, religious, movie tracks, and other modern music. She has played with various symphony orchestras, band, chamber, and harp ensembles, including performing a symphony premiere composed by Randy Kartchner.


harp teacher Michigan

Chen-Yu is the former Harp Professor at Michigan State University. She has been teaching harp for over 15 years. She believes every child and every adult should have an access to learn and experience the harp.


Chen-Yu Huang


Executive Director

harp teacher lansing coty

Belle holds harp performance degrees from Michigan State University. She also works at the Jackson Symphony Orchestra as the Director of Fund and Audience Development and JSO Community Music School. 



Chair of the Board

Belle Coty

Harp teacher emily henley

Emily holds degrees of harp performances at Michigan State University and Roosevelt University. She is the assistant director of Career Education and Running Start Coordinator at the College of Music in Michigan State University.

Emily Henley

Administrative assistant



music harp board member Sheila Bryant

Sheila Bryant

Anne Miranda board member

Anne Miranda

FukagawaMary board member

Mary Fukagawa

Ian Morin board member

Ian Morin

AnnaMaria Horn board member

AnnaMaria Horn

Chia-Ying Chan board member

Chia-Ying Chan

Tel: 517-220-3536     Email:

469 N. Hagadorn Rd, East Lansing, Michigan

© updated 2024 by CAPITOL HARP ENSEMBLE.

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